Internet of Things (IoT)

There are more than 12 billion connected devices in the world—more smart “things” than people. Innovative companies are adopting IoT strategy and technology to rethink their products and services and redefine their relationships with customers, employees and partners.

Connecting the sensors, devices and machines in the physical world to the Internet creates multiple new digital opportunities for industries, including:

    • Life Sciences firms remote monitoring of clinical trials and medical devices
    • Retailers creating more personalized in-store shopping experiences
    • Banks providing better offers and more engagement via tellers and ATMs
    • Manufacturers predicting when equipment will need maintenance
    • Logistics firms designing real-time visibility into location and condition of assets
    • Restaurants reducing customer wait times with “just-in-time” meal preparation
    • Insurers increasing revenue through asset monitoring
    • Utilities doing real time grid assessment from devices sitting on the grid

CES partners with our customers to identify IoT business cases and put into place the technology to create entirely new business models and revenue streams, while reducing costs and boosting efficiency

Our Approach

Our Approach is structured around the emergence of an IoT ecosystem which has given rise to an asset value chain comprising of connections of things, data, process and people.

Our Offering

Our Define, Build & Run offering and IoT solutions cater to organizations at different IoT adoption levels.

Plan your IoT program customized to your business needs

We define the right IoT landscape for you to kick start your IoT journey. A structured approach is taken to understand your business needs & offer quick ramp-up to discover your IoT needs & solutions, accelerating your time to market with low risk and zero lock-in.

Implement your IoT program with secure ecosystem based solutions

As part of BUILD we offer off-the-shelf capabilities, solution frameworks and acceleration suites that allow rapid development and deployment of production version application.

State of the art IT/OT support services to realize value of IoT

We ensure smooth running of IoT in your company via integrated operations platform, enterprise information, process management and IoT platform support services.

What we deliver

    • Provisioning, Measuring & Monitoring
    • Orchestrate IT/OT
    • Platform hosting & micro services
    • High performance analytics & insight as-a-service
    • Uptime assurance : 24/7 support